Deb Anderson
June 14, 2011
The Age
Professor Fethi Mansouri
What is missing in the UN Millennium Development Goals?
A question for Professor Fethi Mansouri
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ADOPTED by world leaders in 2000, the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) provide benchmarks for halving extreme poverty around the globe by 2015. If the eight goals — from halting the spread of AIDS to providing universal primary education — are achieved, tens of millions of lives will be saved and billions more will gain the chance to benefit from the global economy. But a recent UN forum in Doha highlighted what's missing from the MDG's framework. Fethi Mansouri, Deakin University's chair in migration and intercultural research, was at the forum.
What happened in Doha?
The forum, organised by the UN Alliance of Civilisations, was seeking input from civil-society organisations — such as NGOs, trade unions, faith-based organisations and indigenous people's movements — on a new approach, developing an index to measure the impact cultural diversity has on a country's economy and human development.
What does the approach involve?
The MDGs are underpinned by three key variables, or "pillars", of development: economic, social and environmental. But another key variable needs to be taken into account: culture. We're trying to show if you ignore cultural diversity, understanding and intercultural co-operation, the achievement of the MDGs will be affected negatively.
Culture is the fourth pillar?
Culture cuts across the economy, the environment and society. You cannot talk with any level of confidence about developing those three pillars while neglecting the intersecting dimension of culture.
Could you give an example?
Take Congo and Rwanda. In both countries there has been conflict driven by ethnic tension, which has had an impact on their development. Until such conflicts are addressed, these countries are not going to be able to meet their development goals — to eradicate poverty, improve education for kids or address gender imbalances, etc. Intercultural conflicts can fuel fully fledged wars within or between states, so you have to go back to the root causes of those development issues.
How has culture been incorporated into the MDGs so far?
There's nothing that explicitly addresses culture in the MDGs. There's nothing that even addresses migration — and we all know how important migration is in terms of the contribution new migrants make to their new societies and countries of origin. Migration also engenders cultural diversity. So this new approach is exciting because culture has never been used as a key variable before for development agendas. And we know that cultural diversity and intercultural harmony can have a significant impact on a country's overall economic development.
Has that impact been measured in Australia?
We've never really done systematic analysis on how much culture contributes to the GDP or the overall economic growth figures for Australia — internally, or with other actors with whom we have economic relations. But the evidence is there in different sectors.
For instance?
There's a lot of awareness in the corporate sector of the benefits — and I don't just mean the feel-good factor; I mean economic benefits — of cultural diversity, but unfortunately that has not really been embraced yet in the government sector or wider society. The research is telling us companies that seek to not only tolerate cultural diversity but incorporate it proactively into their working ethos usually have more healthy bottom lines. The same would go for a country. Countries with a high level of cultural diversity have a lot of human potential they can tap into.
Where to next?
We've started work on the possibility of integrating culture into the MDGs, at conceptual and methodological levels. But the argument for the centrality of culture has already been made and will be made even more explicitly in the alliance's next global forum in Qatar in December. The MDGs embody basic human rights — the rights of each person on the planet to health, education, shelter and security. To achieve this ambitious agenda, international strategies must take into account the cultural factor and be sensitive to local specificities.
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Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (Studies in Development Economics and Policy)
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