07 January, 2017

Lynching in Cambodia: Justification, Characteristics, Solutions, and Rights to Life

Lynching in Cambodia: Justification, Characteristics, Solutions, and Rights to Life
By Sor Virakdara
Pannasastra University of Cambodia

Lynching or mob killings in Cambodia received a warning from the international community in early 2000s. After a while, this human crisis has still continued to be a concern in contemporary context of the country. Therefore, this research study is set out to investigate lynching in Cambodia from 1999 to 2016. The study has three main objectives as to redefine wrong justification of lynching, to examine the causes of lynching, and to suggest solutions to this so-called human crisis in Cambodia. The findings are attributed to both primary and secondary data. For universal understanding of rights to life, this study uses justification of Kantian morality to reason that lynching is a wrong practice simply because it’s immoral conduct against free will. This study also finds that the causes of lynching in Cambodia are the results from psychological, political, and social factors. Thus, the solutions to the mob killings should be the cooperation of the Cambodian government and non-governmental organizations to enlarge education and combat poverty because these two indicators are the predeterminants of mob killings.

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