24 September, 2021

EU-ASEAN Trade Facilitation: The ARISE Plus Program

 ASEAN Briefing, 20 Sept 2021

The ASEAN Regional Integration Support by the EU (ARISE) was an EU-led trade facilitation program between 2013 to 2016. The program consisted of three components:

  • High-level capacity building;
  • Supporting the development and realization of single market goods; and
  • Enhancing the capabilities of the ASEAN Secretariat to support the ARISE program.

The EU has since continued its support for the facilitation of trade to ASEAN countries and greater economic integration of the bloc through ARISE Plus. The program also supports the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint (AEC) 2025. From 2017-2022, the ARISE Plus program will provide €40 million (US$46 million) to enhance economic integration and an additional €50 million (US$58 million) from 2019 onwards for country-level trade support programs...

What are the components of ARISE Plus?

The ARISE Plus program consists of four main components.

a)      Trade facilitation and transparency

Under this component, the program supports the streamlining of non-tariff measures and the transparency of trade laws and regulations. Furthermore, the program aims to enhance private sector engagement through three initiatives, namely:

  • The ASEAN Trade Repository (ATR) – which provides a single online access point for all trade-related information of ASEAN members.
  • The ASEAN Solutions for Services, Investments and Trade (ASSIST) – which is a trade facilitation tool that helps ASEAN-based businesses find solutions on cross-border issues related to the implementation of ASEAN economic agreements.
  • The ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS) – which is a customs transit management system officially launched in November 2020 that assists businesses who move goods across borders without paying the required duties and taxes.


Read full article: https://www.aseanbriefing.com/news/eu-asean-trade-facilitation-the-arise-plus-program/



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