FOX News : Health

19 March, 2009

Can U.S Help Resolve Khmer-Thai Border Row?

Official: U.S. not to interfere in Cambodian-Thai border dispute 2009-03-18 18:31:15 Print

PHNOM PENH, March 18 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. has affirmed that it will not interfere in the Cambodia-Thailand border dispute, said official news agency the Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP) on Wednesday.

"The U.S. has never intervened in the border issues between the two neighboring countries," Stephen Blake, director of the Mainland Southeast Asia Bureau Office of the U.S. State Department, was quoted as saying.

The U.S. is instead encouraging both sides to solve their conflict peacefully, he said during a lecture named "Southeast Asia Politics and U.S. Policy in the Region," which was held here on Tuesday.

The Cambodian-Thai border conflict started on July 15, 2008, when Thai troops encroached on the Cambodian territory in the area near the disputed centuries-old Preah Vihear temple.

Rounds of high-level talks have been held since then, and both sides decided to withhold armed conflicts and stick to peaceful solutions.

Editor: Deng Shasha

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